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RSVP today for short summer series to begin July 17

I will be facilitating a short summer series which will last 4 weeks.  The group will be a continuation of what I like to call Living our Questions in Living rooms. Depending on the number of interested people—it will either be held at the church or in the Raleigh Living room(s) of gracious and kind CUCC member(s).   The discussions will be based on NOOMA DVDs.

Noomas are somewhat like parables. They use the experiences of our lives to teach about the fullness of life through Jesus. Basically, I’d define this as a new format for spiritual formation.  The discussions will tackle issues like relationships, defining God, finding God, and living for God.  We will also cover discipleship, which includes acts of justice, periods of silence and unconditional love. These meaningful discussions will spark relevant questions and biblical references for our exploration. Rob Bell, a leading pastor and breakthrough communicator in the Christian community, is featured in our first series of NOOMAs. This is not a study on a book or a DVD. And it's not a CD nor is it a two-hour movie. It's a format called NOOMA which are short films, between 10 and 14 minutes long, about God and our lives.

I will choose 1-3 of these short films to watch each session. If needed, I’ll have some questions or comments prepared to keep the discussion going. No preparation is required on  your part- except to bring a brown bag meal or snacks to share for a light meal if you choose to do so each Thursday at 6pm.

You may choose to attend 1, 2, 3 or all 4 nights. I will give you the address(es) of the host home(s) with the dates after I get a final list of interested persons. The dates will be July 17, July 24, July 31 and August 7.  Peace and Love to you All--Joy Alford

Update from Joy:
The group will be held at the church (Community United Church of Christ) on the corner of Wade Ave and Dixie Trail in the Hoffman Room. We will gather at 6:00pm.  Please park on the Wade Ave. side as the other side may be full due to other events.  Also, due to the early start time, I encourage you to bring either your own brown bag type dinner or munchies to place on the table to share/pass around while watching DVD clips or discussing our topics.
Thank you to those of you who offered up your homes as host homes; however, because of the feedback about the location, I think the church will be the best place to hold our sessions each week. 
Peace ya’ll,