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Your Opinions? Welcoming the Stranger via the Web

How would you answer this: "How could we tweak CUCC's web site to offer God's 'extravagant welcome' to people seeking a place to nurture their faith journey?"

Here's how to give your suggestions.

1) Take a 15 minute exploration of the web site. Print a simple instruction page at . It includes a short form for jotting your notes as you explore. Drop off your completed form at the office or email it directly to me (Jane Smith) by Thursday, March 13.


2) Enjoy an hour of light supper and brainstorming on Tuesday, March 4, 6:00-7:00 pm. RSVP to me so I make enough food. You'll be done in time to attend Robert's Lenten prayer workshop.


3) Call or email with your comments by Thursday, March 13.

