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Lake Wheeler Picnic

Saturday, September 20 from 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Bring your lunch and come for all of the day or part of it.
Activities are planned for all ages and all mobilities.

Directions to Lake Wheeler Park

Plan your day!
10:30 Games for the whole crowd led by Marty and Steve
11:00 Choose from a selection of games to play in small groups
(imagine tossing a wet ball or playing cards
or guessing fun facts about each other)
Noon Bring your own lunch,
then decorate a fan to chase the afternoon breezes
12:30 Getting to know you activities
1:45 Sing-a-long led by Mike & Tom
2:30 Nature hike led by Mike, Lena & Vandy
or (if we can find a ball) volleyball (play or cheer)
3:30 Closing worship
4:00 Day is done

Jo is looking into boat rental for before 10:30 or after 4:00; contact her if you want more information.