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Collins Kilburn returns to the pulpit at CUCC

As has been widely publicized, the Deacons have invited previous pastors at CUCC to return this fall and give guest sermons during August - October. The first of these was Collins Kilburn who spoke at 10:30 worship on August 19. The Deacons asked me to film these presentations, and the video of Collins Kilburn's sermon is now available. I'm in the process of reorganizing and expanding the media and historical archives, and a permanent location for the video will await completion of that task. Meanwhile, it's also available at YouTube.

Personal comment by Lavon: Collins' reflection on the 1960s is both poignant and challenging. We can look back with pride at the gains made during the 1960s in breaking down racial barriers and enriching our church's relationship with black churches in the area. But at the same time it's a stark reminder that much of that harmony has escaped us during the last 20 years of strife within the UCC. Collins' comments about Rosa Parks and her insistence on the need for white folks to understand the viewpoint of the black folks they were purporting to support carries a message for us today.