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Read Now, Discuss Later: Talking with People on the “Other Side”

Do you ever find yourself talking with someone whose viewpoint is different from and hostile to yours?  I do.  I want to be clear about what I believe about the issue while also being loving and building the relationship.  Justice and love.  Love and justice.  I’m just not very good at this.  If this sounds like your struggle, too, let’s discuss Justin Lee’s book Torn:  Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs-Christians Debate .  What do his suggestions - geared to the Christian disagreement on welcoming LGBT people - say to us on all kinds of issues of faith in the public square?  Read the whole book before we meet November 10, 6:30-8pm, Bradow Room.  RSVP to Jane Smith or the Church Office (919-787-6422) or as soon as possible.