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What's new for Agape groups?

You might have been hearing about Agape Groups or you might be already participating. The Caring Committee has been working on getting these going as a focus of our caring support. We have seven groups going now in various forms. The idea is fairly simple really. We wanted to be able to organize the care and support we provide to members and friends of CUCC by forming groups somewhat geographical/somewhat with natural linkages. These groups are supposed to be a smaller group of the CUCC membership and help facilitate communication to and from the Caring Committee. The Caring Committee usually meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month and we plan to poll the Agape Group leaders about issues in their membership.

At the same time Agape Groups also afford members an opportunity to expand community at CUCC. They can be another system of support in good times and not so good times. Some groups are holding regular social gatherings at church, at restaurants or in member’s homes. Card showers on special occasions have been triggered. No limits are placed on the creative muses at CUCC.

The Caring Committee is going to let our groups find their own path this year and will be evaluating this effort at the end of the year to see what we might want to keep, change or discard. If you have not been assigned to an Agape Group or you would like to join another, get in touch with the church office. If you have feedback positive or negative about this effort get in touch with Bill Lamb or Bev Stolarick, the co-chairs of the Caring Committee.

- submitted by Bill Lamb for the Caring Committee