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Possibilities for Hope in the DRC

Invest an hour to understand the current situation in the DRC after the recent visit by Secretary of State Clinton. Not simplistic - deep discussion of a complicated situation.
Gain insights into these questions
What did Secretary Clinton promise and what is her level of commitment?
What should be the role of the US (and other countries which benefit from DRC natural resources)?
What is the larger geopolitical context which will influence what the US might choose to do?
What models that have been used elsewhere might be effective in the DRC?

The Diane Rehm Show, August 13, 2009
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls the sexual violence in eastern Congo 'one of mankind's greatest atrocities.' An update on the security crisis and what the U.S. and other nations can do to help stabilize the Democratic Republic of Congo."
Guests: Mvemba Dizolele, national fellow, Hoover Institution; John Prendergast, co-chair of the ENOUGH Project, an initiative to end genocide and crimes against humanity (CUCC's All Things Congo group receives updates from the ENOUGH Project.)

"These are not hopeless situations...there are solutions." John Prendergast