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"When were you slapped in the face by grace?" - Life & Faith discussion, July 9

The Life and Faith in Downtown Raleigh group will meet on our usual second Tuesday, July 9, at Tyler's Tap Room.  Come at 6:30 to order dinner or arrive at 7 if you just want a beverage.  Look for Sherrie King and the Life & Faith red comma at the round table on the far right of the restaurant.

Those who attend choose the topic for the night, but I generally bring a fall-back question.  I propose the question from the Rev. Hollie Woodruff Duncan's sermon on Sunday, "When were you slapped in the face by grace?"  And, more to the point, is there something about that experience that you are still chewing over that you'd like to brainstorm with a group?

You can read Rev. Hollie's sermon on her blog .

Here's the map for parking near Tyler's Tap Room

- posted for the Life & Faith in Downtown Raleigh group