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One Great Hour of Sharing - Easter Offering

What is One Great Hour of Sharing? OGHS is a Christian offering to empower, provide water, supply food, and give relief from disasters. The UCC in partnership with eight other denominations have been collecting this offering for almost seven decades.  Together, they raise about $12 million each year.

How are the offerings used? The UCC responds to development, disaster, and refugee needs in 138 countries, and provides disaster relief and immigration assistance in the United States. More than 60% of the UCC's offering targets international development initiatives, including annual support for missionaries. Currently there are 7 OGHS supported missionaries and 2 Global Mission Interns working in disaster relief, health care, education, and agricultural development. The offering funds disaster preparedness and response, and disaster related volunteer initiatives in the U.S. as well. Nearly one-third of the UCC's offering is shared through Church World Service to support refugee, disaster, development, and advocacy programs.

The UCC lists several examples of how the funds are used. Here are two:

  • Empowerment.  OGHS funds go to micro-Credit organizations such as ECLOF International, Oiko Credit, and Freedom from Hunger.
  • Disaster Relief. OGHS funds go to the International Emergency Relief Fund, which enables UCC Disaster Ministries to support emergency relief efforts, long-term rehabilitation, advocacy and sustainability efforts.

How much of funds collected go to direct use? On average, of every dollar given to OGHS, 91 cents is used directly for mission programming; 5 cents for interpretation materials and 4 cents for administrative. Most administrative costs are paid by gifts to Our Church's Wider Mission National Basic Support and endowment funds.

Still curious? Both the One Great Hour of Sharing organization and the UCC have plenty of information.

When you come to church on Easter Sunday, please give generously to One Great Hour of Sharing.