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Pledge to Radical Love!

extreme violence demands an EXTREME response 

As people of faith battling the NRA and our legislators for common sense gun laws, we must work between the lines, within the current social structure, to bring about social change. In addition to calling our legislators, attending local organizing meetings and rallies, praying and worshiping together, and providing financial support to advocacy groups — we must also take LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR to a whole new LEVEL. 

In the season of gratitude, as we prepare to “give thanks to God” for the abundance and richness of the blessings in our lives, please consider taking the Pledge to RADICAL LOVE. 

In every religion ...

across the landscape of civilization, there is a call to love one another. Jesus echoes the Rabbinical teaching from the Torah in stating that the greatest commandment includes “Loving your neighbor as yourself”. The prophet Muhammad said, “None of you have faith until you love for your neighbor what you love for yourself”. In response to the extreme acts of violence and terrorism that continue to plague our society, and threaten the condition of our human relationships we must move beyond prayer vigils of remembrance to pre-emptive ACTS of LOVE. 

We know enough about gun violence, mass shootings and shooters to start taking steps to reverse this narrative. According to the media, since 1944 when we started counting and categorizing mass shootings, 132 events where 8 or more people have died have claimed the lives of 974 victims, 149 of which were children or teenagers. This has to stop. The true test of our responsibility as a society rests within our ability to govern ourselves, by passing laws and demanding accountability for our actions, but we are no more accountable than by our direct care and love for one another. While calling for just legislation, let us also commit to a radical love that demands more care, more persistence, more effort and accountability within our relationships. Whether one is mentally ill, a victim of trauma, or a calculated criminal, the human experience was never meant to be one of isolation. Reach out, be the change you wish to see in the world, Pledge to RADICAL LOVE.   

I, ______________________, Pledge to Radical Love.  
I will draw on my faith in the Divine, and in the human spirit, in LOVING MY NEIGHBOR as MYSELF. 

I will connect with 5 people each day in an authentic way, and will speak the language of love. 
* offer a smile 
* open the door for someone
* say “thank you”
* ask someone how they are doing, and REALLY listen
* tell someone what you appreciate about them
* leave an anonymous, kind note on someone’s windshield or desk
* say “thank you”, again

I will ask the parents of my children’s friends about their thoughts on gun control and will share my own. 

I will talk with my family members and friends, with whom I disagree, about common sense gun legislation, and will encourage open and ongoing dialogue rather than just sharing my opinions.

I will reach out to anyone I know who might be estranged from family or friends and invite connection. 

I will speak the language of “loving my neighbor” in the checkout line, at the bank, in the store, with my boss and co-workers, giving the benefit of the doubt when things don’t quite go as planned.  

I will pay attention to my 6th sense, and rather than looking the other way, offer a smile or kind gesture to someone who seems less than well or happy.

I will pay attention to my 6th sense, and rather than looking the other way, I will tell a safe person when someone's behavior troubles me, or causes me to question their, or someone else’s, safety.  

I will stay safe, and keep those I love safe, but will allow “love” rather than “fear” to guide my actions.

"I will" makes all the difference in a society that we hope will change vs. one that we participate in changing. May you be filled to overflowing as the LOVE of God moves through you as an instrument of RADICAL LOVE. 

Spirit is leading the way,
Rev. Jenny Shultz-Thomas
Pastor, Community United Church of Christ

(Please feel to share this pledge with others via social media, email, in print)