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From the Pastor

From the Pastor

And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you."
- Psalm 39:7

There are times in my life when discerning my next faithful step: to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God, means pursuing a season of intentional silence, where the still small voice can be heard amid the deafening sirens of life passing by. Then, other times, when I am walking half-awake, disoriented by the volume of competing sounds, and dueling needs upon my person, it seizes me. In the night as my eyes flash rapidly behind my lids, and my dreams are filled with the colors of desperate prayers from the day, it seizes me by the seed of my soul; the place where all living things commune underneath the shells of our existence. And there, I am awakened and alive to an irrational HOPE that alone was birthed before time began and before life as we know it began to unravel...
In this season where we are challenged to live into an "Epiphany of Abundance", and called to "Follow" what is your next faithful step; that either seizes you in the night or beckons you to hold fast to the waiting silence? 

May we be the water turned wine, for a world living in a scarce and fearful time. Amen. 

Rev. Jenny Shultz-Thomas