DRAFT MINUTES (recorded by Edith Sylla) Community United Church of Christ. Congregational Meeting, May 20, 2007 (second annual congregational meeting for 2007) John Little, Moderator, called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. Steve Halsted opened the meeting with a prayer. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved (motion by Vandy Bradow, seconded by Sam Johnson, passed without dissent). Gary Smith, Tom Young, and Gradie McCallie made a presentation (with PowerPoint slides) for the Social Justice and Community Outreach ministries on “Justice in a Changing Climate: A proposal for discernment and action.” They first addressed the question: Is God calling CUCC into leadership? Gary Smith reviewed the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that have been issued this year, indicating that climate change caused by human activities is occurring. The ill effects of climate change, moreover, will disproportionately affect the p...