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Showing posts from March, 2008

Holy Week Worship

Maundy Thursday, March 20 6:30pm 100,000 Lights for Peace Vigil remembering 5th anniversary of the war in Iraq Where: front lawn and patio, CUCC Bring: a bell or other joyful noisemaker 7pm Maundy Thursday worship : Tennebrae, handwashing, communion Where: CUCC sanctuary Good Friday, March 21 9am-1pm Personal Devotions Where: CUCC sanctuary Easter Sunday, March 23 7am Community Sunrise worship Where: West Raleigh Presbyterian Church, 27 Horne Street, outside 9am Taize' worship Where: CUCC sanctuary No Forum or Sunday Morning Bible Study today! 10:30am Main worship Where: CUCC sanctuary Bring: a flower for the Resurrection cross on the CUCC front lawn

CUCC Vigil for Peace in Iraq

Come early to Maundy Thursday worship to vigil in recognition of the 5th anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. We'll meet on the front lawn and patio at 6:30pm and use the prayer recommended by the United Church of Christ*. The vigil will be conclude to allow people to attend the Maundy Thursday worship service. Please invite anyone who might be interested. The event is designed to include children. Bring a bell or other joyful noisemaker if you have one. * 100,000 Lights for Peace: From Lamentation to Action to Hope The UCC has also prepared morning and noon prayers which you might wish to use. These move from Lamentation (light a candle in morning) to Action (midday) to Hope (peel bells in the evening). While 100,000 Lights for Peace is scheduled nationally for Wednesday, we will be holding our candlelight vigil on Thursday prior to Maundy Thursday worship. From the UCC website "On March 19, 2008, the wor...