We began our "Conversation on Race" on Sunday, May 18, with three speakers who shared their perspectives, prompting a challenging discussion among the 80+ participants. Stories were shared about how we have been affected in the past and how today's environment is still an unhealthy and divisive one. Tomorrow, June 1, we will continue the "conversation" with Dorothy Thompson and Terence Morrison as our guest panelists. In preparation, let's consider two questions we might discuss: Is affirmative action still the right course? And, what policies and programs should we implement (or get rid of) to address the economic disparity faced by minorities in our community? Come and voice your own thoughts and challenge others and yourself to really look hard at what society does and what part we all play in it, good and bad. Cy King eloquently described last Sunday at Worship the chronology of Community UCC 's efforts to end racial discrimination, all the way back ...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.