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Showing posts from October, 2009

Taking care of each other during flu season

If you have the flu, stay home.  Take care of yourself.  Protect the person who would be sitting next to you and might be immune-compromised. Call Steve Halsted to tell him you have the flu so that we can offer help (and also let your CUCC friends know the flu was in their midst). Check this blog to see if anyone could use your help with a warm meal or a few errands.  (We won't post names - just needs.)  Pray for those who are sick. Check this blog before going to a CUCC event in case of cancellation. For more details, read Taking care of each other during flu season .

Workshop: Social Networking at CUCC 101

Sunday, November 8, noon to 1:00 Bring your own lunch. Have you wondered why anyone would want to be a Facebook friend?  Does "blog" sound like something Oliver Twist was forced to eat?  Do you remember when only birds tweeted?  And what in the world is a social network? Join Jane and Lavon for a one hour introduction to how Community UCC is using these social networking tools in ministry.  For the first half hour you'll have the opportunity to see our church's social networking tools.  During the second half hour, Jane and Lavon will help you sign up for a social network if you would like to try one. This event is planned for the curious.  You will not be pressured to join any of these social networks.

Flannery O'Connor Resources for Monday Lunch Group

Jonathan Yardley on Flannery O'Connor (Washington Post, 2005) Excerpts from Sally Fitzgerald's book of Flannery O'Connor's letters, "The Habit of Being" (pdf). This will be distributed in print at Monday Lunch Group on November 2. Time Magazine's review of Sally Fitzgerald's "The Habit of Being" A Good Man is Hard to Find (text) The Life You Save May Be Your Own (audio) The Life You Save May Be Your Own (text) Flannery O'Connor Banned in Catholic Parish Photos of Andalusia , the farm where Flannery O'Connor spent her life Brief note on Betty Hester Emory University unseals the 274 letters written by Flannery O'Connor to Betty Hester. Emory's announcement of the celebration. Critique of "Good Country People" Monday Lunch Group Schedule Nov. 9 -- Read ahead of time the excerpts from Sally Fitzgerald's book which will be distributed on Nov. 2. Also read the Jonathan Yardley bio and the Time Magazine Review of F...

Five Reasons Why We Don't Care About Climate Change

Interesting article. On most counts I think she hits the nail on the head. Five Reasons Why We Don't Care About Climate Change 1. First, from an evolutionary perspective, we are not programmed to take future threats as seriously as immediate ones 2. Second, it costs money to do some of the right green things. 3. Third, we have become so distanced from nature 4. Fourth, many of us no longer believe we can make a difference in the world. 5. Finally, we think we never have enough time

Great Conversation and Food Despite Cold, Blustery Day

Is it any surprise that our fall picnic fell on a blustery day?  It followed Winnie the Pooh's birthday by a mere four days.  Inside picnics can be just as much fun as those outside as our 30 revelers discovered.

Picnic moved to CUCC Grounds!

With temperatures predicted in the low 50's, brisk winds, and cloudy skies, we're moving our fall picnic to the CUCC grounds.  Eat inside or out.  Games are still planned for the lawn, Joan has a song to teach us, and we might even have a campfire! Bring your dish to share.  Come even if you didn't sign up.

Fall Picnic Rain or Shine

Sunny day:  Jaycee Park Rainy day:  Fellowship Hall (we'll set up some tables and spread our picnic blankets on the floor) October 18, after worship Come even if you didn't sign up!

Parking at the Fall Picnic, Oct. 18, after worship

Our shelter at Jaycee Park is midway up a gentle, grassy slope.  Nimble footed folks should park at the upper lot (above the shelter).  When you enter Jaycee Park at the sign, take the drive to the left.  Pass the recycling containters, the ball fields, and the volleyball courts; you are driving the left half of a circle.  Folks who prefer firmer footing should park at the lower lot (below the shelter).  This lot is directly in front of you when you enter by the Jaycee Park sign.  The grass is in good shape and there is only the tiniest slope. Remember to bring:   Your dish to share, an activity you enjoy, and a friend. Optional:   folding chair or blanket, your own place setting (so you don't have to use the disposables) We'll provide:   water to drink, picnic tables, paper products & plastic cutlery. Sunday, Oct. 18, noon until you feel like leaving (but before 2:30) Sign up on the bulletin board or the poster in the fellow...

Wooden Chairs for Sale

CUCC is looking for good homes for our excess wooden church school chairs.  Price:  $5/chair for CUCCers; $10/chair for your friends and neighbors.  The money will be used in the general budget. Here is how to order.   In the preschool room (the one with the play kitchen) you'll find samples of each of the four models.  On each chair is a sign up sheet telling how many of that model are available.  Just sign up, giving your name, contact info, and how many of that style you want.  Jane Smith will get in touch to arrange your pick up.  Checks are made to:  CUCC. Younger Elementary model - 4 chairs Older Preschool model B - 9 chairs Older Preschool model A - 13 chairs Younger Preschool model - 10 chairs If anyone is interested in painting a chair and donating it to the church auction, sign up to get a free chair.  Also, there are slightly wounded chairs which you may take for free - no sign up necessary.

Stillspeaking Daily Devotionals

Stillspeaking Daily Devotionals make a nice resource offered by the UCC. These are written by a variety of folks, so you never know exactly what to expect. But I find it a good way to jog myself into a different gear when I'm "stuck" at some point during the day. Subscribe here to get these daily via e-mail.