This past week was a crazy and joyful week here at CUCC. We baptized Cyrus William Nicholl, son of Laurel Powell and Richard Nicholl, and brother of Ella and Lola. We gave Bibles to five young people: Samantha Burki, Anna Ellison Downey,Caroline Nkanda, Sarah Jane Sigmon, Dax Murray Welborn. We marched in Durham's Gay Pride Parade, a first for me. All of these were humbling experiences. Taking an infant from his parents and promising to be part of his village reminds us of obligations we have when people come into our churches. Giving the children their Bible with their names inscribed on the cover brought tears to my eyes. It is a powerful moment in their lives and mine, to be honest! Whether infant or school-age, they come to be part of something special. And we at CUCC are that something! We will be able to walk with Cyrus, Sammi, Ellison, Caroline, Sarah Jane and Dax as they grow in faith. We all come to Community United Church of Chr...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.