In a world becoming increasingly globalized, more people are leaving their homelands to seek better lives and opportunities in new countries. Their reasons for leaving are diverse and complex. The U.S. has long been a nation of immigrants and we are consistently conflicted about this. We gratefully welcome immigrants and their contributions; and we exclude them, discriminate against them and, at times, inflict grave harm upon them. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors. The Bible is clear in calling us to welcome aliens and strangers and to love them as we love ourselves. In these times, let us listen to the voice of the still-speaking God as we learn how to respond to these new sisters and brothers residing among us. ( November 1: Intergenerational Forum Go around the world with us! Visit such places as India, China, Costa Rica, and Germany through the eyes and hearts of our friends who have recently returned from their travels. Be engaged, moved, and ...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.