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Showing posts from December, 2018

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Family Friendly Service

All are invited to share in this beautiful celebratory service.  We will sing God's love into our lives as we await the birth of new life, and anticipate participating in the coming reign of god!  This is a family friendly service full of carols, lights, and love!

Lectionary for the Week of December 23, 2018

Lectionary for the Week of December 23, 2018  - Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year C) Violet 0r Blue Micah 5:2-5a; Luke 1:46b-55 or Psalm 80:107; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45, (46-55) Christmas Eve Lectionary - White Isaiah 62:6-12; Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:(1-7), 8-20 Christmas Day Lectionary - White Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 (15-20)

Fellowship and Worship Opportunities for the Week of December 23, 2018

Sunday  12/23     9:00am Nursery provided     9:00am  Taizé Worship – Sanctuary    9:30am   Choir Practice - Sanctuary    9:30am   Adult Series: “Practicing Contemplation in Advent” - Bradow Room 1 0:30am Worship Service   - Sanctuary 10:45am Children enjoy worship with families 10:45am Youth enjoy worship with families 11:45am Fellowship - Vaughan Fellowship Hall     Monday 12/24 Church Office Closed - Christmas Eve 12:15pm Monday Lunch Group - Hoffmann Room     5:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Sanctuary (family friendly) Tuesday 12/25 MERRY CHRISTMAS - Church Office Closed Wednesday 12/26     9:30am Tai Chi – Vaughan Fellowship Hall         Sunday 12/30     9:00am Nursery provided   9:00am Taizé Worship – Sanctuary   9:30am Choir Practic...

Christmas Fund Offering

Our joy at Christmas is a response to God's promise of new life through the birth of Jesus. It is a joy we are called to share widely, through our witness and gifts, both to loved ones and to distant neighbors. "It wasn’t easy picking up the telephone to share with you my present situation. In fact, it was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life although it reminded me that grace still happens. Sometimes we as clergy persons lose sight of God’s grace when the negative stuff comes into our lives." "…thanks so much for sharing your time and ministry with me. Your most gracious gift is appreciated more than words can say as I continue to live in the 'meantime.'" These eloquent words are from a pastor who is the recipient of the caring and concern of those who contribute to the Christmas Fund Offering. You have the opportunity to be a part of this ministry that cares for the active and retired clergy and lay employees of the Un...

Youth Serve Wright Center Meal

Youth Serve Wright Center Meal Seven youth brought holiday cheer to the Wright Center on Sunday evening, December 16. The homemade lasagna was a huge hit, almost everyone had seconds. There was also an abundance of fresh salad and garlic bread, and homemade sugar cookies with lots of decorating supplies. Thanks to all who cooked beautiful food! And thanks to those who served! And a shout out to Zenna and Sophie for leading us in a blessing song! Advent Love was all up in that place! What a joy to behold! 

Pastor Letter - Guest letter from Jan Richardson

For a moment I hesitated on the threshold. For the space of a breath I paused, unwilling to disturb her last ordinary moment, knowing that the next step would cleave her life: that this day would slice her story in two, dividing all the days before from all the ones to come. The artists would later depict the scene: Mary dazzled by the archangel, her head bowed in humble assent, awed by the messenger who condescended to leave paradise to bestow such an honor upon a woman, and mortal. Yet I tell you it was I who was dazzled, I who found myself agape when I came upon her— reading, at the loom, in the kitchen, I cannot now recall; only that the woman before me— blessed and full of grace long before I called her so— shimmered with how completely she inhabited herself, inhabited the space around her, inhabited the moment that hung between us. I wanted to save her from what I had been sent to say. Yet when the time came, when I had stammered...

Advent 2018

Join us as we celebrate Advent with watchful waiting, preparation, justice, and joy.  Go to Advent 2018

December Youth Events

YOUTH EVENTS Sunday, December 23, 10:30AM : Worship with your Family Monday, December 24, 5:00PM : Christmas Eve Service – Worship with your family Sunday, December 30: Youth lead Children's Sunday School: Service Project Santi will assist the youth as they lead Children's Sunday School. Youth will read the Mexican legend of the poinsettia, and we will make paper poinsettia flowers.

Community Outreach Compassionate Giving Campaign Was A Great Success!

Compassionate Gifts elves making a list and checking it twice Thank you to everyone in the congregation who supported the Compassionate Giving campaign through Community Outreach Ministry.  With your support, we raised $1600 for local organizations working to make a difference in our community.  We hope that this campaign helped our congregation to reframe holiday giving from material goods to community good. - submitted by Laurel Powell

Young Adult Reunion

Can you guess who has the best roommate situation this year, and who has the worst? Have you ever had a roommate who played their (not your) favorite music loud and late or early without asking if it would bother you? Or a roommate who never went to class and never seemed to leave the room? Or one who was super sensitive and took everything personally? Or one who never cleaned up? Or have you had a roommate you loved? With whom you shared interests? We heard it all on Wednesday, December 19, when 7 former CUCC youth met for a lunch reunion at Mellow Mushroom. There was great energy and every good report of busy lives, rapid growth, extensive learning, and fascinating work. Nice to see these young friends enjoying life with such care and intention! We missed those who could not attend.

Fellowship and Worship Opportunities for the Week of December 16, 2018

Sunday   12/16         9:00am   Nursery provided     9:00am   Taizé Worship – Sanctuary    9:30am   Choir Practice - Sanctuary     9:30am   Adult Series: “Practicing Contemplation in Advent” - Bradow Room 1 0:30am Worship Service   - Sanctuary -  Children’s Christmas Pageant and CUCC Choir Cantata 10:45am Youth Cooking for Wright Center Meal - Pilgrim House 11:30am After Pageant Children’s Party - Hoffmann Room 11:45am Fellowship - Vaughan Fellowship Hall     Monday 12/17   12:15pm Monday Lunch Group - Hoffmann Room   Tuesday 12/18   10:00am Office Staff Meeting - Pilgrim House 10:30am Retirees’ Christmas Luncheon - Vaughan Fellowship Hall Wednesday 12/19     9:30am Tai Chi – Vaughan Fellowship Hall   6:30pm Bible Study - Pilgrim House     Thursday 12/20   1:00pm Pastor’s Podc...