CHURCH SCHOOL The youth will have church school August 2, 16, 23, and 30. No YOUTH church school on August 9. In September, we will be back to our regular school year pattern pattern of youth church school meetings every Sunday except 1st Sundays, when youth are encouraged to remain in worship with their families. (There will be some exceptions to this pattern, advance notice is always given). YOUTH GROUP The CUCC Youth Group (7-12 graders) will meet from 12-2 for lunch and activities after church on August 2 and August 23. In September, we will return to our regular school year pattern of Youth Group meetings every 2nd and 3rd Sunday from 12-2. On 5th Sundays, the youth group invites 5th and 6th graders to join in and share lunch and activities from 12-2. YOUTH RETREAT August 14-15 is a creativity retreat for our rising seniors (Anna and Abby) at Cedar Cross Retreat Center, led by Santi Matthews and Margaret Hilpert. CHURCH WIDE EVENT Rising 7th and 8th and 9th grade youth (Carson, Ja...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.