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News Readers and Google Reader

Some CUCC folks have asked about ways to be notified when something new is posted on this blog. A news reader is a handy tool for being notified whenever anything is added to your preferred blogs, photo galleries, news sources, etc. And one of the most widely used news readers is Google Reader which works right inside your web browser. If you have a Google account, you can visit to configure and use your news reader. Here's a little sample of how I use it.

The snapshot below shows what I see when I visit Google Reader. It shows a list of news sources I've selected (including, for example, the NY Times Technology blog), a list of photo archives (which includes, for example, Suzette's Picasaweb gallery), and one audio source (WUNC's podcast series "State of Things"). With a quick glance at Google Reader I can see how many unviewed items there are at each news source. Notice that I've deliberately left the CUCC News and Chat blog off my subscription list.

Now let's add a scubscription to the CUCC News and Chat blog. To add a subscription, click the "Add Subscription" button near the top of the image shown. Type in a good search term like "cucc news and chat" which is the name of our blog. Then click the "Add" button.

Google reader will find the News and Chat blog and you can click the "subscribe" button (see image below).

Once you've subscribed, our blog will appear in your subscriptions list at the bottom (as in photo below).

You can drag the CUCC News and Chat subscription to wherever you like in the list. In the image below you see that I've dragged to make it the top item in "Lavon's News" folder.