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An imagined dialog between Christians and Muslims

Did you ever wonder what an honest dialog between Christians and Muslims might sound like? Walter Russell Mead (who does have considerable expertise on the matter) constructed one recently. Below is a one paragraph excerpt which explains why he constructed the dialog, followed by a link to the hypothetical dialog. (Be prepared to laugh. When I take off my political correctness blinders, I find this a very amusing and informative exchange.)

Excerpt: Many and quite possibly most interfaith conversations are pretty mealy-mouthed and essentially useless. People engaged in these conversations often represent the more liberal wing of their respective religious traditions and they walk on eggshells in these conversations, working so hard not to say anything offensive that sometimes they don’t succeed in saying anything at all.

Bio of Walter Russell Mead (from Wikipedia):
Walter Russell Mead (born 12 June 1952, Columbia, South Carolina) is James Clarke Chace Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at Bard College and Editor-at-Large of The American Interest magazine, and is recognized as one of the country's leading students of American foreign policy. Until 2010, Mead was the Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is an honors graduate of Groton School and Yale, where he received prizes for history and debate. In addition to his position at Bard, Mead currently teaches American foreign policy at Yale University. He is a Democrat, and has said he voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 Presidential Election.