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Congregational Meeting June 24 at noon

There will be a congregational meeting following worship on Sunday, June 24. This special meeting has been called to address the Economic Justice Covenant proposal. As you will recall, a motion to adopt the Covenant was laid on the table ("tabled") at the May 26 meeting. At the June 24 meeting, the motion will be brought back to the floor for further discussion and vote. If the Covenant is adopted, there will be a second motion to "Establish a structure to implement" the Covenant. The two motions may be found below; copies will also be available in the back of the sanctuary. Please review the motions in preparation for the meeting on June 24.

As we are called to fulfill God’s vision of creation, we strive to work for a world where love, justice, and mercy prevail and God’s abundance is shared. Therefore, we, the congregation of Community United Church of Christ, covenant with God and with one another to establish and maintain a structure within CUCC to: 
Examine our collective and individual life styles and our stewardship of creation.
Educate ourselves as to the causes of economic injustice and the forces that perpetuate it.
Engage in economic and political actions that are consistent with our moral views:
Strive to change practices, policies, structures, and any other barriers to all people being able to realize their fullest potential for secure and meaningful lives.
Collaborate with those in economic need and those with economic means to work together toward the greater empowerment of the powerless.
Partner with other organizations working toward greater economic justice.
We recognize that without God’s help and mutual support we are inadequate to these tasks. We pray for insight, guidance, and courage in the struggle for greater economic
justice in our country and in the world.
To establish a structure to implement the Economic Justice Covenant as follows:
 a. The current Economic Justice Task Force has completed its effort to present a proposed Covenant and volunteers to coordinate its implementation.  It will continue as the new structure and be expanded to include any people within the congregation who would like to participate. 
 b. The group will follow the example of the ONA Task Force for its structure within the Church.
 c. The group will select a chairperson.
 d. After it has established itself, each year the Economic Justice Task Force will consult with the congregation and propose one or more specific action items for the following year.  Partnering with H K on J (Historical Thousands on Jones Street) is an action that has been approved. These action items will help to guide the activities of CUCC in carrying out the Covenant for the year. The Task Force will make the action items widely known through the normal channels, including the Newsletter, the CUCC web site, congregational meetings, etc. 
 e. The Economic Justice Task Force will report to the Council on the progress of their activities. The Task Force will submit an annual report just as other CUCC ministries and task forces. The report will include a discussion of the activities that were carried out in accordance with the action items and will aid in the choice of new or continued action items for the following year.

- posted for the Social Justice Ministry