My cold is over and I'm ready to welcome you for a second try at our Rituals and Resources for Teaching Faith at Home family potluck.
Sunday, February 10, 5-7pm
Jane and Gary's home, 2712 Lochmore Drive in Raleigh
Bring a dish to share that your children enjoy AND a few toys that each of them would like to share with the other children.
February topic: Table prayers/grace/blessing the meal
Please RSVP to Jane so she knows how many plates to have on hand.
What is Rituals and Resources? As your children play, swap ideas with other CUCC parents for sharing what you believe with your children. Each month we’ll feature a resource or ritual, but equally important will be the connections you and your children build with other families who take living their faith seriously. Bring a potluck dish your family enjoys and a few toys or games for the children to share while the adults talk. We meet 2nd Sundays.
- submitted by Jane Smith for Welcoming, Fellowship & Growth
Sunday, February 10, 5-7pm
Jane and Gary's home, 2712 Lochmore Drive in Raleigh
Bring a dish to share that your children enjoy AND a few toys that each of them would like to share with the other children.
February topic: Table prayers/grace/blessing the meal
Please RSVP to Jane so she knows how many plates to have on hand.
What is Rituals and Resources? As your children play, swap ideas with other CUCC parents for sharing what you believe with your children. Each month we’ll feature a resource or ritual, but equally important will be the connections you and your children build with other families who take living their faith seriously. Bring a potluck dish your family enjoys and a few toys or games for the children to share while the adults talk. We meet 2nd Sundays.
- submitted by Jane Smith for Welcoming, Fellowship & Growth
A Gathering of Friends event