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Showing posts from June, 2014

Friday Email - 27 JUN 2014

Veteran, Peace and Justice Advocate Cy King dies at 92 Rev. Robert Parrish to Lead 10:30am Worship Service No Church School for Youth 6th – 12th Grade this Sunday or next Sunday Youth Heading to BYC Request for coolers for Tuesday Memorial Service No Taizé on Tuesday Evening New Email Address for the Church Office Pray at the Legislature – Tuesdays, 12:30pm-1:00pm Caregiver Support Group “Sundae” Sunday – July 6, 2014 Oak City Outreach Center Seeking Volunteers “Moral Injury” Slowing Climate Change Sam and Jack Alcorn Support Affordable Housing with Bike & Build A Note and Poem in Memory of Cy King from Reverend Curtis Everette Gatewood Veteran, Peace and Justice Advocate Cy King dies at 92 (The following article is reprinted from the News & Observer) By Anne Blythe - - June 26, 2014 RALEIGH — Cy King was a man of many causes – so many that when the nonagenarian reluctantly agreed to hang up his car keys for good a chief complaint was the coinciding los...

Cy King

Cyrus B. King, a long time member of CUCC and a steadfast advocate for social justice and civil rights, passed away this evening, June 25, 2014, at 6:30pm.  His sons Cy, Jr. and Edward were both with him when he died, and told us it was very peaceful.  Information about a memorial service and celebration of Cy's life will be forthcoming.  Please hold Cy and his family in your thoughts and prayers. See full obituary in Raleigh N&O . See news coverage in Raleigh N&O .

Friday Email - 20 JUN 2014

New Email Address for the Church Office Joy Alford to Lead 10:30am Worship Service this Sunday Last Moral Monday of the General Assembly Short Session "Summer Solstice" Worship Celebration Gardening Therapy Pray at the Legislature – Tuesdays, 12:30pm-1:00pm Pastor Steve on Vacation in June Caregiver Support Group “Sundae” Sunday – July 6, 2014 Friendship Bread “Moral Injury” Slowing Climate Change Sam and Jack Alcorn Support Affordable Housing with Bike & Build New Email Address for the Church Office Due to continuing issues with Roadrunner and the account, the church office has a new email address!  Please update your contact information with our new address: . If you sent anything to the office via the account in the past week, please send it again to the new address.  Again, that new address is Joy Alford to Lead 10:30am Worship Service this Sunday Joy Alford will lead the service and provide the message t...

Friday Email - 13 JUN 2014

Loaves & Fishes Fish Fry Fundraiser! Today, 5:00pm–7:00pm New Email Address for the Church Office Forum on Break for the Summer Pray at the Legislature – Tuesdays, 12:30pm-1:00pm Graduate Celebration and ASP Blessing – Sunday, June 15 Pastor Steve on Vacation in June Newsletter Deadline, Wednesday, June 18 Caregiver Support Group Sam and Jack Alcorn Support Affordable Housing with Bike & Build Loaves & Fishes Fish Fry Fundraiser!  Today, 5:00pm-7:00pm Hurry over to Milner Memorial Presbyterian Church this afternoon from 5:00pm – 7:00pm for a delicious Fish Platter or Sandwich.  Platters are only $8.00 and the mouth-watering sandwiches are $3.00. All money raised will go to the Loaves & Fishes Ministry.  The food is awesome and it’s for a worthy cause.  Come on over!  Milner Memorial is located at 1950 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, NC. New Email Address for the Church Office Due to continuing issues with Roadrunner and the account, the churc...

More Confirmation Service Photos

On Tuesday, photos from the reception following the Confirmation worship service on Sunday, June 8, were posted to this blog. Shortly thereafter Suzette made available an album of very nice photos made during the worship service itself. These are now available in the Photo Gallery portion of the church website.

Photos from Confirmation Sunday

These photos are from the reception in the fellowship hall on Confirmation Sunday, June 8, 2014.   Click any photo to view large versions of all photos  

Preparing for a Pilgrimage Through Transition

The UCC resource document for congregations like ours—facing the retirement of our pastor and the work of calling a new pastor—is titled A Pilgrimage through Transitions and New Beginnings .  Appreciate that title for a moment or two before reading on.  Allow the imagery of pilgrimage to stir your soul. The call to pilgrimage is not a call to certainty, complacency, or ease.  Richard Niebuhr describes pilgrims as “persons in motion – passing through territories not their own—seeking something we might call completion, or perhaps the word clarity will do as well, a goal to which only the spirit’s compass will point the way.”  As we contemplate embarking on this particular journey of transition between our congregational life under the pastorate of Steve Halsted to a new life shared with a different pastor, we must endure the disturbance that marks the beginning of pilgrimage.  Indeed, pilgrimage differs from your average trip for business or vacation in that it i...

Loaves and Fishes Breakfast

Loaves and fishes has strong roots in our church which were formed almost 30 years ago. On Thursday, May 29, Loaves and Fishes had a "Lifting Minds and Hearts" breakfast which was attended by several members of CUCC. Lavon Page filmed the program, and Karen Withem filmed some interviews with LAF volunteers and students. Here is the program from May 29.

Birthday Celebration for Ida Klages

The 95th birthday of Ida Klages (Vandy Bradow's mother) was celebrated during worship on May 25, the Sunday following Ida's 95th birthday. Here are a few photos that Vandy supplied from the occasion. Congratulations Ida!

Friday Email - 6 JUN 2014

Youth Confirmation This Sunday, June 8 Durham Bulls Baseball Tonight Caring Committee to meet this Sunday Forum on Break for the Summer Gardening Therapy at CUCC Life & Faith in Downtown Raleigh – June 10th Pray at the Legislature – Tuesdays, 12:30pm-1:00pm Graduate Celebration and ASP Blessing – Sunday, June 15 Church Women of the Southern Conference 2014 Women’s Summer Conference Caregiver Support Group Congregations for Social Justice Petition Sam and Jack Alcorn Support Affordable Housing with Bike & Build Youth Confirmation This Sunday, June 8 Please be in prayer for our youth who are looking toward and preparing for Confirmation, and plan to join us in worship on June 8 for this special Sunday. After worship, youth and their families are invited to join us for our annual end of year lunch and milkshakes at Cookout! Durham Bulls Baseball It’s time once again for Durham Bulls Baseball.  This year’s outing will take place on Friday, June 6.  Come cheer on the Bulls ...

Youth Group Work Day

The Youth Group is earning money by doing work projects for church members. The funds will go to support the Appalachian Service Project trip this summer. Here are some photos of yard work being done for Binks Mew.   Click any photo to view large versions of all photos