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Congregational Meeting - January 25

Church Council has scheduled the January congregational meeting to be held on January 25. This meeting is required by the CUCC bylaws. Primary actions at the meeting will include election of officers and committee and ministry members for 2015, passage of a church budget for 2015, and distribution of ministry and committee reports describing activities in 2014. [All reports should be sent to the church office ( and the moderator ( by January 5.] You can find copies of last year's reports at the church website.]

The January meeting is one of the three required congregational meetings which are "unrestricted" in terms of topics that might be considered. In the words of our church bylaws, "Other business consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws may be transacted".

If you have items that you intend to bring up at the congregational meeting, it would be helpful if you would let the moderator (Lavon Page) know in advance so that he can schedule your item on the agenda. However, any "new business" may be brought up after all scheduled items have been considered.

Minutes of November 23, 2014, congregational meeting