Adrienne Little, CUCC's representative with Congregations for Social Justice, sends these two opportunities to work for justice in our community. 1 - Endorse the Wake County Transit Referendum from Karen Rindge The Wake transit referendum campaign is launching in mid-August, and we hope all the CSJ Congregations and Organizations will endorse the Moving Wake County Forward campaign (meaning the transit plan and the 1/2 cent sales tax referendum) before the kick off! The goal is to have as many congregations, organizations, institutions and businesses listed as endorsers before going public with the campaign announcement. If you would like to discuss having CUCC endorse the transit referendum, talk to any member of CUCC's Social Justice Ministry. 2 - The Next Wednesday Congregations for Social Justice Meeting from Al Reberg Wednesday, September 14, 8:30-10:00 AM Oak City Ou...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.