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Fall Congregational Meeting - Nov. 20

This is our regular third annual congregational meeting as required in our by-laws.  Plan to stay after worship; light refreshments will be provided.

From Article VI. 
Section 4. Third Annual Congregational Meeting: This meeting shall be held in the Fall of each year. The date and time shall be set by the Church Council and announced at least two weeks in advance. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss goals and objectives for the coming year and to kick off the pledge campaign. Other business consistent with the Constitution and By­Laws may be transacted at this meeting. A proposed budget and a proposed slate of officers, ministry and committee members shall be presented at the Fall congregational meeting.

If you have an item for discussion, please contact Frank Gailor, Moderator.


Opening Prayer

Secretary's reading certification of the minutes
Approval of the minutes of the May 5, 2016, congregational meeting
Supporting documents:
Draft minutes

Approval of the minutes of the November 6, 2016, special congregational meeting
Supporting documents:
Draft minutes
Addendum to minutes:  CUCC Call Agreement to Jenny Shultz

Determination of the presence of a quorum

Report on the proposed budget and pledge campaign

Report on the proposed slate of officers, ministries and committee members

Action on proposed amendments to the Constitution and ByLaws
Proposed amendments to the Constitution and ByLaws resulting from suggestions made by the congregation during the Messy Ministry phase of our intentional interim process
Supporting documents:
Summary - Proposals for improving how our structure supports our ministry
Proposed amendments to the Constitution
Proposed amendments to the ByLaws

Goals and objectives for the coming year
PRISM Ministry - presentation by Joy Alford
Supporting document:
Proposal Summary for PRISM Ministry

Announcements regarding the arrival of the new pastor

Other items

Closing prayer
