Advent is the four Sunday period before Christmas - the day we celebrate the coming of God to live among us through the birth of Jesus. During Advent we wait expectantly - for the birth of the Christ child and the coming of Christ again.
One traditional part of Advent is the giving of gifts, a way of saying thank you to God for the gift of Jesus Christ. Gift-giving opportunities are noted with a star *.
You are welcome to attend any of these Advent events - just show up!
1st week of Advent
Sunday, November 27
During 10:30 worship Śānti Matthews and Doug Barrick will share the message: "What is the Christmas story?" After the Children's Time, the children and youth will leave worship to work together to create ornaments for CUCC's Christmas tree. After worship, the youth will eat lunch and then go shopping for CUCC's tree.
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
Monday, November 28
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Tuesday, November 29
*Women of CUCC (and their women friends) are invited to the home of Marty Lamb for a potluck and sing-a-long from the Rise Up Singing songbooks. This is a gathering of SIS, an open monthly assembling of women. SIS has chosen to collect toiletries to donate to the women's shelter.
2nd week of Advent
Sunday, December 4
*Bring a bag of groceries - another way we can pass along God's love. Here's the list of groceries requested by the Urban Ministries food pantry.
Today's 10:30 worship service features a celebration of communion; we welcome the Rev. Sheila Barrick who will officiate. Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome at the table Jesus prepares for all of us. Marty Lamb bring the message via theater: "Who am I in the Christmas story?" After the Children's Time, the children will leave worship to practice for the Christmas pageant.
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
*Sunday afternoon at 5PM, children and their families have fun at the Family Advent Workshop. Pizza is served (free). Mrs. Susan will help families make dough ornaments. Please bring a plate of cookies to share.
*CUCC's 2016 angel tree debuts. Select your angel from the tree and bring the described gift for one of the families CUCC is sponsoring.
Monday, December 5
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Tuesday, December 6
Life & Faith conversation will focus on Advent. This fluid group of "whoever shows up" is meeting in December at O'Malley's Pub. Arrive at 6:30 if you want dinner; conversation runs from 7-8/
Saturday, December 10
Join us at 6:30PM for the annual CUCC Adult Christmas Party It's a chance to get to know your fellow CUCCers in a festive atmosphere. Hot hors d'oeuvres, scrumptious dessert table, spiral ham, vegetarian and vegan appetizers, and wine will be available. A special soloist will provide musical entertainment and lead us in caroling. Please come! (No fee, but we welcome a small donation to defray the cost of the food and beverage.)
3rd week of Advent
Sunday, December 11
The children will lead us in worship by presenting a Christmas pageant: the story of the birth of the baby Jesus. Then Julie Robertson will provide the message: "Why do we tell the Christmas story?" 10:30AM, Sanctuary
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
Monday, December 12
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Saturday, December 17
If you would like to help decorate the church for Christmas, please join us from 9:00am - 11:00am. It’s fun and very rewarding. Refreshments will be served. For questions, contact Jeanne Ledbetter.
4th week of Advent
Sunday, December 18
At 9AM Taize worship, you are invited to participate in communion. After the Children's Time, the children will leave worship to sing carols with "Mr. Monty" Smith.
At 9:30AM, participate in the Inter-generational Prayer Bead Workshop in the Hoffmann Room. Encourage and enrich your prayer life during Advent by creating your own set of prayer beads. Śānti Matthews will lead us in prayer bead making for all ages, and will provide us with some information about the origins and use of prayer beads. Prayer beads symbolize a commitment to spiritual life; they can help bring us to the present moment, encourage us to enter into a closer relationship with God, or simply provide a physical comfort and relief from stress or anxiety. Childcare for infants and toddlers provided.
At 10:30AM Chancel Choir members will share their answers to the question, "Where do we go from here, or what do we do with the Christmas story?"
While the adults are in worship (10:30), the youth will participate in Human Beans Together. Meet in the fellowship hall to coordinate rides downtown where we'll serve a meal to neighbors who are hungry.
After worship, walk across the street to Morningside Assisted Living to sing carols with the residents. The choir will lead the singing, but many voices are needed. The 30 minutes of singing starts at about noon.
From 6:30-8:30pm all youth are invited for fellowship at the church for Sardines and Smores. We will play sardines and have a campfire (weather permitting). Please bring a bag dinner or eat before you come. S'mores (or cookies if it's raining) and Hot Cider will be provided.
Monday, December 19
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Saturday, December 24, 5PM
Join us on this Holy Night as we wait together for the coming of the Christ Child with scripture, prayer, song, and candlelight, followed by hot apple cider in the fellowship hall. This will be Pastor Jenny Shultz-Thomas' first official worship with us as our new pastor.
Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25
At 9AM, Anne Pope will lead Taize' worship.
At 10:30 AM families worship together and all ages are invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus. There will be no Sunday School for children or youth, and no nursery will be provided.
Monday, December 26
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
One traditional part of Advent is the giving of gifts, a way of saying thank you to God for the gift of Jesus Christ. Gift-giving opportunities are noted with a star *.
You are welcome to attend any of these Advent events - just show up!
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2015 "Fear not!" Christmas tree |
Sunday, November 27
During 10:30 worship Śānti Matthews and Doug Barrick will share the message: "What is the Christmas story?" After the Children's Time, the children and youth will leave worship to work together to create ornaments for CUCC's Christmas tree. After worship, the youth will eat lunch and then go shopping for CUCC's tree.
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
Monday, November 28
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Tuesday, November 29
*Women of CUCC (and their women friends) are invited to the home of Marty Lamb for a potluck and sing-a-long from the Rise Up Singing songbooks. This is a gathering of SIS, an open monthly assembling of women. SIS has chosen to collect toiletries to donate to the women's shelter.
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2015's creative project Family Advent Event |
Sunday, December 4
*Bring a bag of groceries - another way we can pass along God's love. Here's the list of groceries requested by the Urban Ministries food pantry.
Today's 10:30 worship service features a celebration of communion; we welcome the Rev. Sheila Barrick who will officiate. Wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome at the table Jesus prepares for all of us. Marty Lamb bring the message via theater: "Who am I in the Christmas story?" After the Children's Time, the children will leave worship to practice for the Christmas pageant.
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
*Sunday afternoon at 5PM, children and their families have fun at the Family Advent Workshop. Pizza is served (free). Mrs. Susan will help families make dough ornaments. Please bring a plate of cookies to share.
*CUCC's 2016 angel tree debuts. Select your angel from the tree and bring the described gift for one of the families CUCC is sponsoring.
Monday, December 5
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Tuesday, December 6
Life & Faith conversation will focus on Advent. This fluid group of "whoever shows up" is meeting in December at O'Malley's Pub. Arrive at 6:30 if you want dinner; conversation runs from 7-8/
Saturday, December 10
Join us at 6:30PM for the annual CUCC Adult Christmas Party It's a chance to get to know your fellow CUCCers in a festive atmosphere. Hot hors d'oeuvres, scrumptious dessert table, spiral ham, vegetarian and vegan appetizers, and wine will be available. A special soloist will provide musical entertainment and lead us in caroling. Please come! (No fee, but we welcome a small donation to defray the cost of the food and beverage.)
2015 Christmas pageant |
Sunday, December 11
The children will lead us in worship by presenting a Christmas pageant: the story of the birth of the baby Jesus. Then Julie Robertson will provide the message: "Why do we tell the Christmas story?" 10:30AM, Sanctuary
Live near Wake Forest? Worship with CUCC's Prism group. A special Advent focus runs Nov. 27 to Dec. 11, led by Joy Alford and Amy Burki. 10:30AM, 102 S White St, Wake Forest.
Monday, December 12
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Saturday, December 17
If you would like to help decorate the church for Christmas, please join us from 9:00am - 11:00am. It’s fun and very rewarding. Refreshments will be served. For questions, contact Jeanne Ledbetter.
4th week of Advent
Sunday, December 18
At 9AM Taize worship, you are invited to participate in communion. After the Children's Time, the children will leave worship to sing carols with "Mr. Monty" Smith.
At 9:30AM, participate in the Inter-generational Prayer Bead Workshop in the Hoffmann Room. Encourage and enrich your prayer life during Advent by creating your own set of prayer beads. Śānti Matthews will lead us in prayer bead making for all ages, and will provide us with some information about the origins and use of prayer beads. Prayer beads symbolize a commitment to spiritual life; they can help bring us to the present moment, encourage us to enter into a closer relationship with God, or simply provide a physical comfort and relief from stress or anxiety. Childcare for infants and toddlers provided.
At 10:30AM Chancel Choir members will share their answers to the question, "Where do we go from here, or what do we do with the Christmas story?"
While the adults are in worship (10:30), the youth will participate in Human Beans Together. Meet in the fellowship hall to coordinate rides downtown where we'll serve a meal to neighbors who are hungry.
After worship, walk across the street to Morningside Assisted Living to sing carols with the residents. The choir will lead the singing, but many voices are needed. The 30 minutes of singing starts at about noon.
From 6:30-8:30pm all youth are invited for fellowship at the church for Sardines and Smores. We will play sardines and have a campfire (weather permitting). Please bring a bag dinner or eat before you come. S'mores (or cookies if it's raining) and Hot Cider will be provided.
Monday, December 19
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM
Saturday, December 24, 5PM
Join us on this Holy Night as we wait together for the coming of the Christ Child with scripture, prayer, song, and candlelight, followed by hot apple cider in the fellowship hall. This will be Pastor Jenny Shultz-Thomas' first official worship with us as our new pastor.
Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25
At 9AM, Anne Pope will lead Taize' worship.
At 10:30 AM families worship together and all ages are invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus. There will be no Sunday School for children or youth, and no nursery will be provided.
Monday, December 26
Using poetry in meditation. Monday Lunch Group, 12:15PM