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Time to take a deep breath ...

Amidst the violence in Charlottesville and the rage in Durham, David Brooks suggests in today's NY Times that a little dose of modesty would do us all some good.

"But throughout history the wiser minds have understood that anger and moral posturing are not a good antidote to rage and fanaticism. Competing vitriols only build on each other ...

... the most powerful answer to fanaticism is modesty. Modesty is an epistemology directly opposed to the conspiracy mongering mind-set ...

Progress is not made by crushing some swarm of malevolent foes; it’s made by finding balance between competing truths ...

Modesty means having the courage to rest in anxiety and not try to quickly escape it. Modesty means being tough enough to endure the pain of uncertainty and coming to appreciate that pain. Uncertainty and anxiety throw you off the smug island of certainty and force you into the free waters of creativity and learning.

Over the next few months I’m hoping to write several columns on why modesty and moderation are superior to the spiraling purity movements we see today. It seems like a good time for assertive modesty to take a stand."

Link to entire op-ed piece: How to roll back fanaticism