Dear Community UCC Friends, Take a deep breath. Exhale. Take a deeper breath. Exhale again. Think of a time in your life when you felt at peace. Allow that feeling and that moment to cross the boundaries of time as we know it, and claim that space again. Rest into this peace and allow it to rush into your mind space, fill your body, and settle deep into your spirit. Now, Imagine yourself suspended in air without worry, or fear, or pain or stress, only peace and tranquility surround you and support the weight of your body. Rest into this experience as long as you are able... When your feet hit the floor again, Remember. Remember what it felt like to choose a quiet mind, and to steady your heartbeat with a calm surrender to a timeless and infinite peace. This experience is similar to living life with faith. Choosing faith and God's love, and a peaceful center, in the face of fear. Today, like too many other days, we are hearing...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.