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Easy electronics recycling

Did you know you can no longer throw electronics in your trash can?
Today's News and Observer (D1) article "Turning trash into treasure" by Eden Stiffman describes the law which goes into effect today.

NEW offer from Jane (me):  I'll recycle your electronics (computers, cellphones, small televisions, cords & cables, printers, scanners, fax machines, telephones, radios).  Call/email me  to let me know what you have so I can decide if your item is too big for me to handle.  About every 3 months I'll take a load of  reusable computer components to Second Chance Computer Foundation and other electronics to Wake electronics recycling (along with florescents and batteries).  When I'm ready to take a load, I will call or email you back to let you know to bring them to church to load in my car the Sunday preceding.  We don't have room to store them at our home, so you'll need to hold them until I'm ready to make a run.

Here's an update on what you can recycle through CUCC.
Plastic, screw top lids - put them in the container on the shelf in the fellowship hall and Jeanne Ledbetter will take them to a recycling location.
Florescent bulbs (both long and curly) - hand unbroken bulbs to Jane or Gary Smith any Sunday morning.  DO NOT put these on the shelf in the fellowship hall.  That is dangerous.
Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, and the tiny ones for your watch, game or hearing aid) - hand unleaky ones to Jane Smith any Sunday morning

If any of the rest of you are willing to take on a particular recycling effort, let me know and I'll add it to our list.