Adult Forum Youth Lock-in Petition in Support of an Increased Minimum Wage for NC Workers Sisters in Spirit (SIS), Tuesday, Oct. 29 Crop Walk this Sunday, Oct. 27 After the Crop Walk – Potluck Supper for the Walkers SNAPcut Challenge Menu of Compassionate Gifts NC Interfaith Power & Light Workshop on Climate Reality, Nov. 3 Beer & Hymns – Local Event, Nov. 3 New to CUCC? Newcomers' Supper, Monday, November 11 Congregational Meeting, Sunday, Nov. 10 Read Now, Discuss Later: Talking with People on the “Other Side” Costume Poetry Slam with Cafe Style Coffee and Dessert Thanksgiving with CUCC Friends Method Child Development Center “Birding in Honduras” by Lena Gallitano Adult Forum - Sunday, October 27, 9:15am, VFH What can CUCC do to assist in the outreach and enrollment effort? Adrienne Little and Ellen Beidler will lead a discussion with those interested in determining what we at CUCC might do to help out in this effort or support those in our congregation wh...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.