Saturday, August 23: Love Our Animals! (Please come whether you have a dog or not!) Bring your dog/s, if you have one and want to, (or bring a photo of a pet or animal you especially like), to the entrance of Lake Johnson (4601 Avent Ferry Road, Raleigh 27606). We'll meet at 10:30am and all go for a nice long walk around the unpaved side of the lake and play with and appreciate our four legged friends. RSVP to Śānti Matthews by Friday, August 22.
Also, please consider bringing donations for Saving Grace (a local animal shelter). Saving Grace is always in need of the following:
Also, please consider bringing donations for Saving Grace (a local animal shelter). Saving Grace is always in need of the following:
- Monetary donations - medical expenses are by far their greatest expense
- Gas cards (they drive many miles each week to rescue dogs and take dogs to vets)
- High quality dog food (the shelter dogs consume 1,500 lbs of dog food a month)
- Large, heavy duty trash bags
- Stamps
- Copy paper (letter size)
- Paper towels
- Dog crates (both plastic and wire)
- High Efficiency ("HE") type liquid laundry detergent
- Used towels and blankets