Pastor Joy Alford is planning the following free to adults in and around the Wake Forest Area: 1) Short DVDs created to enhance small group discussions. This series is known as NOOMA and is produced by Flannel, a company promoting spiritual reflections on individual life experiences. I have facilitated discussions using these videos in the past and it has always been a stimulating starter. The name NOOMA comes from a phonetic spelling of the Greek word πνευμα, meaning "wind", "spirit", or “breath”— Come join us to see where the Spirit of the Living God takes us in our spiritual growth journey. There is no charge and you do not have to be a member to join us for this series. This study will be held on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm at Hatch . This series goes for 8 weeks from Feb 15-April 5, but you may feel free to attend one or all. 2. Tai Chi for stretches and meditation in movement begins Wed. Jan 11, 2017. This will start at 7am and be held week...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.