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2020 Stewardship Campaign Update

The Stewardship Ministry is concerned that we haven’t received a 2020 pledge from many of you. At this time, we’ve received just over 50 pledges. Last year, we had almost 100 pledges. Similarly, in order to do everything that we discussed in the fall congregational meeting with the draft budget, we will need about $70,000 more in pledges for 2020. We have faith that our community will step up, but we need each of you to do your part. Please communicate your 2020 pledge ASAP; there are several ways to do so:

  • Bring your pledges to worship and place them in the offering plate. (A simple, clear hand-written note is fine.)
  • Fill out this Google Form.
  • Tell Bill Lamb, Jeanne Ledbetter, or Jason Myers what you are pledging, in person, over the phone, or by email. Their contact information is in Breeze.
  • Mail the pledge card or simple note to the Church Office at 814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh, NC 27607.

Pledges of financial support make up the more than 85% of our annual budget, account for more than a quarter of a million dollars to support our staff, maintain or building and grounds, operate our education programs, worship and celebrate community together, as well as donate to local charities and causes that do God’s work outside our sanctuary. It is important to know what congregation members plan to give next year when we adopt our annual budget. The winter congregational meeting is on January 26. The stewardship ministry will have to scale back our budget to meet the pledges received before that date.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Jason Myers
Stewardship Ministry Chair