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A Free Book Every Month for Pre-schoolers from Birth to Age Five

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books every month to children from birth until age five. No matter their family's income. 
Check it out and sign up your child up on the website.  

You can also make a donation to the Imagination Library here, too.
There's information specifically for parents about reading to your pre-schooler under 'News and Resources.’ Share the info with others you know who have pre-schoolers.

The Imagination Library also has a Facebook page featuring children, books, stories and and more. She has a Spotify playlist where she sings some songs for children.  

One of the largest children’s literacy programs in the world, every month the Imagination Library ships more than 1.3 million books. The one hundredth-million book was given to the Library of Congress.

— from CUCC's Assistant Librarian, Ann Retzer