The foreign film series restarts on Sept. 23 with the acclaimed 2010 French film "Of Gods and Men." Many regular attendees for the movie series are active in Monday Lunch Group, so I generally consult with Monday Lunch Group when scheduling a film. This film receives rave reviews from those in Monday Lunch Group who have seen it. As usual, the film will begin at 7:30 in the Fellowship Hall, and refreshments will be available during the movie. Feel free to bring a friend, and please arrive on time so that the feature (just over 2 hours) can begin promptly at 7:30. This will allow us to have a little discussion afterwards and to be out by 10 PM. Following is the description of this film found at Netflix ... Awarded Grand Prix honors at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival, this compelling historical drama relates the ordeal of seven French Trappist monks in the mountains of Algeria who are taken captive by Islamic fundamentalists. Before the monks' abduction, they have ample reaso...
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