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What is A Gathering of Friends?

Jesus said, "You are my friends."  Not disciples or acquaintances or committee members.  Friends.

Friends take care of each other, laugh until they cry together, trust each other enough to disagree, bring out the best in each other.  When you find yourself following God into difficult places- maybe singing in jail (Paul & Silas) - you need your friend at your side.  When you feel called to do the impossible - perhaps open the church to the rejected (Peter to the Council in Jerusalem) - you need to know and trust those to whom you bring the scary new idea.

For the church to be the church, we grow into friends.
This fall make a new CUCC friend. Watch for a wide array of opportunities to get to know one another: some new, some ongoing. Movie night, potlucks, trip to a play, Wednesday morning prayer, book discussion, pool party, hiking & more. Sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall so the host knows you are coming or to reserve a spot if there is limited space. Better yet, post an event yourself by inviting others to join you when you are doing something you enjoy.  Going to a lecture, a concert, a new restaurant?  Post it and contact Jane to help you get word out.

Spend some time together.  Talk.  Laugh.  Debate.  Eat.  Make a friend.