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From the interim pastor

          For our Lenten devotions, Ken and I are reading from “Reaching Toward Easter” by Derek Maul.*
            I’m writing this on Ash Wednesday, and, to be honest, disappointed that we won’t be gathering tonight to begin Lent together.  But in the end, safety wins out.
            In today’s reading Derek told us about a trip his family took to the Rocky Mountains, where they took a train trip to an abandoned gold mine.  It was there they experienced true darkness.
            The guide told them to put their hands in front of their faces; then he turned out the lights.  No one could see anything at all, not even their hands.  True darkness.
            After thirty seconds the guide lit a small wooden match.
            “When he did, the effect was amazing; we could see everything!  We were in a cavern about the size of a three hundred-seat auditorium, but there wasn’t a cubic foot of the space that did not experience at least some degree of illumination.” (p. 14)
            Derek could not stop thinking about the effect of that one small spark of light will always have on darkness. (p. 15)
            As I read this, I think of the light that Jesus has shown me in my life, but I also think of the people who have brought the light to me.  As we move into this first week of Lent, who are the people who have shown you the light?

Prayers for the journey,
Pastor Peg

*(Maul, Derek, “Reaching Toward Easter:  Devotions for Lent.”  Upper Room Books.  2011)