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Feedback requested: changes to SOC Constitution & Bylaws

The Board of Directors of the Southern Conference of the United Church of Christ will be proposing a number of changes to the constitution and bylaws at the Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach, Virginia June 22-24, 2017.  Prior to formally proposing the changes, the Executive Committee has decided to release a draft of the proposed changes for comment by any member of the Southern Conference.

Please send any feedback to Rev. Bob Thompson (D.Min.) at by April 3, 2017.  Also, please copy Robert Parrish.  The Council is recommending that Robert serve as CUCC's voting delegate at the Annual Meeting. The congregation will vote on his approval at our June 11 congregational meeting, but in the meantime he is preparing by reviewing these proposed changes.

The formal proposal will be released but the Executive Committee by mid-April.

Changes to constitution/bylaws in pdf format
SOC Constitution/bylaws in pdf format