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Our Diet and Climate Change

Decreasing the Crisis with our Forks

Justice in a Changing Climate invites you to a series that will show us that what we eat impacts the climate, our environment, our health and the ability of others to eat as well.  There are five diverse offerings during lent to help us to think, learn, and eat.

March 12, 7PM:  Meet Some Veg-heads: Skip Stoddard, Julia Robertson, Betsy Towler, Hilary Stoddard kick off the Series discussing why they are vegetarian or vegan.

March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 7PM:  A meat-loving omnivore's book discussion about eating vegetarian or vegan.

After worship April 23: "I love Food" potluck: Bring a dish that shows your food values.  Intergenerational cooking?  A dish from your heritage?  What you cook for the women of the Helen Wright Center?  Something from your garden?  We'll ask you to label your plate to share what you value.  Consider choosing ingredients that practice what you learned during Lent about how good it tastes to eat in a lower impact way.  (You'll find more suggestions on the bulletin board in the narthex.)