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Upcoming Worship & Education opportunities during LENT
 *Ash Wednesday, February 14: Service at 7pm, Soup Supper at 6pm
 *Holy Week Services: March 26 - March 31 (check the website for more info)
 *Monday, March 26: Healing Prayer Service @1pm, Sanctuary
 *Thursday, March 29: Maundy Thursday Service at 7pm,
 *Soup Supper at 6pm, Sanctuary
 *Friday, March 30: Good Friday Prayers @12pm, Sanctuary
 *Saturday, March 31: Silent Retreat @9am-12pm, Hoffman & Bradow Rooms

 Lenten Discussion Book Group
     (Courageous Faith: How to Rise and Resist in a Time of Fear,
       by Emily Heath)
You are invited to participate in a discussion about how to replace fear with hope. Hope lives in every one of us, but depends upon the strength, and
encouragement of a community to find it's path and voice. Together, through faith, we can rise and resist in a time of fear! Join Pastor Jenny on Sundays at 9:15am in the Hoffman Room. Books can be ordered through UCC's Pilgrim Press, or call the church office this week and we'll order one for you.

Animate Spiritual Practices
In each Animate: Practices session, the group will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection and journaling, and share ideas with the group. Engage topics such as: prayer, food, money, sacraments, worship, service, and community. Join Suzette Roach and Julie Robertson on Sundays at 9:30am.  Room to be determined.

Join the 1-1-1 40-Day Lenten Challenge!
1- Give it up! Focus on one thing in your life that serves as a barrier for you in your spiritual journey and give it up. (could be a vice, a toxic relationship, or a negative attitude)
1- Add a Spiritual Practice! Add one spiritual practice to your day such as
meditation, prayer, time spent in the natural world or giving and serving others.
1- Replace Fear with HOPE. Focus on one fear that keeps you from experiencing the fullness of God’s love, and replace it with thoughts, feelings and
actions that speak HOPE.
                                                                                                        (More to come…)