Please join us on Monday, April 30th at 5:30 pm on Halifax Mall in Raleigh to celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the NAACP's Moral Monday Movement! See the attachment for the flyer from the NAACP website . Meet Community United Church of Christ members at 5:30 pm on Halifax Mall under the mural on the education building. "Five years ago, on April 29, 2013, we made national history when 17 North Carolinians united to fight the regressive polices of the North Carolina General Assembly that eroded our beloved state and her most vulnerable people. Their courage ignited a movement. Week after week people continued their protest. By the end of the summer, the Forward Together Moral Movement had 1000 North Carolinians arrested for nonviolent direct action to preserve the democracy of our state. On Monday, April 30, 2018, we will commemorate the Moral Monday Movement as we hold a special Moral Monday Get Out the Vote Observance at 5:30 at the Halifax Mall, (behind the NC General Assem...
Worship, justice, friendship, learning. Join us on the journey.