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SJM and CUCC Welcomes Rev. Dr. Jim Antal on Sunday, May 6

The Reverend Dr Jim Antal will preach at Community United Church of Christ at 10:30 on May 6 and discuss his new book “Climate Church, Climate World” at 12:30. (814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh, NC)

Dr Antal is a denominational leader, award-winning activist, and public theologian. He serves as the national spokesperson on climate change for the United Church of Christ and leads the denomination in Massachusetts.

Why should people of faith engage the moral challenge of climate change – and howshould we do it? Climate Church, Climate World helps answer these questions and empowers the reader to join others in taking action. We can expand the Golden Rule to include future generations. We can shift our focus from personal salvation to collective salvation. Because climate change amplifies all forms of injustice – hunger, refugees, racism, poverty, inequality, deadly viruses, war – defense of creation is a campaign for justice. By reorienting what we prize through new approaches to worship, preaching, witnessing, and other spiritual practices, we can honor creation as we cultivate hope and discover new joy.

Discussion group begins June 1.  Join CUCC Reads,
and start reading the background sections now. 
Open to anyone, anywhere.
"Jim Antal shows how the church can engage the urgent moral crisis of climate change. This book will inspire both the courage and conviction people of faith need to provide the leadership necessary to realise [sic] God’s dream of a just world in which humanity is reconciled to all of creation."
— Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu (December 2017)

“This book is written with unusual authority, because for as long as there has been a serious climate movement in the United States, Jim Antal has been at the forefront. I have stood with him at a hundred demonstrations, languished with him in jail, sweated next to him in paddy wagons. I have listened to him preach the powerful good news—and bad news—about the energy and climate crises from pulpit after pulpit. And I’ve watched as his cheerful, insistent, relentlessly loving approach has allowed so many Americans to join in this fight. He is on the short list of heroes who have given their all.”  From the Foreword by Bill McKibben