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Pastor's Letter

Dear Community UCC Friends and Neighbors,

It’s hard to believe that it is already the middle of August, but that means Welcoming Sunday is just around the corner! In a few weeks, we will return from our summer vacations, some of us will head back to school, some to new jobs or experiences, others of us will resume life and our typical daily routines. Our communal life with look differently too as new classes and projects begin, worship-life will be richer from the fullness of your presence, and resounding prayers will fill our halls and hearts.

As I sit here anticipating all that can be, and relishing all that is, I am filled with gratitude for the gift of serving as your Pastor. Thank you!

Two weeks ago, I took our CUCC staff team to Wilmington for a weekend planning retreat. We had a great time as we took one step closer to one another, and listened deeply to what and where we hear Spirit leading our community. Each of us expressed our own hopes and dreams for the ministry we share and identified individual and common goals that will assist us in supporting our growing community of faith. We left the weekend with an abundance of faith, hope and love and feel blessed to share in ministry with you.

There are many wonderful blessings and gifts being poured out in our community right now. Perhaps you have received a phone call, email or card from “your deacon” asking how they can support or pray for you? That’s right, our deacons have each committed to shepherding a part of our growing flock! Each deacon has a small group of congregants for whom they will provide support and prayer, so please feel free to call upon your deacon, or to request a deacon if you have not yet been contacted by one of our lovely caregivers. And, as always, your Pastor would love to hear from you, so please reach out to me at any time if you have pastoral needs, if you would like to discuss a sermon or book, or simply share a story or laugh!

Holy God,
As time continues to pass between worlds, as fires continue to burn and mother whales cry out for wholeness and peace we call upon you to abide with us-your creation, that we might abide in you. Grant us your peace, will us your strength and forgive us for all that gets in the way…Amen.

Spirit is leading the way,
Rev. Jenny Shultz-Thomas