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From the Nominating Committee

From the Nominating Committee

· Would you like to try something new or are you ready for a change?
· Would you like to be a participant in activities of a Ministry?
· Are you able to offer transportation or provide a meal for someone?
· Willing to help with fellowship activities, or provide and help serve a meal at the Wright Center?
· Are you new to CUCC and eager to become a member of a particular Ministry?
· Is there a Ministry that fits your time availability and talents that you are interested in joining?

Let the Nominating Committee know you are interested!

We would like to help you make connections. We try to match people’s talents and interests to the work of the church as we update the slate of Ministries each year.

Please review the Ministries and Committees section on our website in the next few days to acquaint yourself with the various activities and initiatives; then contact one of the members on the Nominating Committee (listed below) and let us know which ministry or committee you would like to join. 

Thank you!
Marty Lamb:;
Geri Bowen:;
Jeanne Ledbetter: 

P.S.  You do not have to be a member of any committee or ministry to participate in any of the activities
in the church, but being a part of one helps to keep you informed about all the events that the church is involved.