2nd Saturday Soup Circles
Time to circle up for the next 6-month rotation of
CUCC's informal dinner group! Sign up by Valentine’s Day and our new circles
will be posted Sunday, Feb 17. Each circle will have about 10 adults. The
recipe for successful Soup Circles is simply to give it a try! Great for new
congregants as well as long-time friends. This rotation runs from March thru
Here’s how it works: Rotate within
your circle each month meeting at someone’s home on the 2nd Sat of the month
for dinner. Soup or some such make-ahead anchor part of the meal should be
provided by the host with perhaps a co-host from the group. Everyone else bring
an appetizer, side dish or dessert. (Children’s participation and provision of
drinks are at the discretion of the individual circle participants.) Remember
that your group can decide to alter any part of the plans. It is not necessary
that you meet each month, but to find 4 or 5 Saturdays that work for the
greatest number.
To sign up for the next round by
Valentine’s Day, email Susan Atkinson at booatkinson@mac.com or sign
up in the fellowship hall.
Looking forward to supping over soup
and hope you are too. Let’s get together, CUCC!