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Compostable coffee pods?

Do you have a pod-type coffee machine?  Read on.  Plastic coffee pods have to go to the landfill, and the coffee in them degrades to produce methane, a green house gas 20 to 80 times worse than CO2.  YUCK!!  Now there is a solution – compostable coffee pods!!   Here is one example that Compost Now has confirmed is fine in their bins.

Bill Gretsch (Jane’s dad) found them and served some to Jane and Gary who said the coffee is good.

So as Bill says “KEEP BREWING, BUT RESPONSIBLY.  Love the convenience of your coffee pod machine, but worried about contributing to the glut of tens of billions of indestructible pods in landfills?  Enjoy a very good cuppa.  Try these, or others that can be found by searching.  YUM!”

Then bring the used compostable pods to church, and put them in our outside compost bin to prevent methane production.

Gary Smith for the Justice in a Changing Climate Task Force