Doug Barrick, Autumn Cobeland, Lena Gallitano, Susan Hasbrouck, Mac Hulslander, Merrilee and Ken Jacobson, Roger Manus, Jane and Gary Smith, and Skip Stoddard along with about 1500 other people experienced a spectacular event in Raleigh on Friday (Sept 20)! We participated in the Climate Strike . Youth and young adults led the strike, spoke out and called to the rest of us to get on board. For example, 17-year-old Hallie Turner, who has been speaking on climate change since she was 8, said, "I don’t care how my leaders feel about climate change. … I care that my generation gets to live on a habitable planet." Hallie and other young people out-numbered those of us with gray hair, and gave us hope. It was inspiring to be with them. Now, we all have to get on board with them. We, too, need to speak out; vote for representatives who care about climate change; dramatically decrease our fossil fuel use at home, at church, at work and traveling; eat a more plant-...