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From the UCC Concerning Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief

From the UCC Concerning Hurricane Dorian Disaster Relief

... During a storm -- moments of watching and waiting -- Dorian

Submitted by Rev. Martha Jacobs (D.Min.); Senior Minister, First Congregational Church in Chappaqua, N.Y.

(Rev. Jacobs was co-facilitator at four SOC retreats in July, 2019; along with Ken Skalitzky, Disaster Recovery Specialist, UCC Disaster Ministries] addressing the issue: Trauma: How It Can Affect You and Your Faith Community
I have been watching the path of Dorian and the most recent news...that it may hit North Carolina, has my heart aching for all of you. Please know that you are in my prayers and I am hoping that the path takes it away from any landfall....
Blessings and peace and may God keep you all safe from harm and give you the courage and stamina you need to deal with whatever may come your way.

A New Disaster Preparedness Manual for Churches available
"Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit." -- Luke 12:35
Resource has been prepared jointly by United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries and the Insurance Board. Download here

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UCC Disaster Ministries' strength and focus remains on supporting long-term recovery work, which is the costliest and most underserved phase after a disaster. The Emergency USA Fund allows UCC Disaster Ministries to respond to both large and small natural and human-caused disasters in all U.S. states and territories. To join UCC Disaster Ministries in meeting future needs please give at "Emergency USA Fund." Read more.